With the weather being cold, damp and generally not conducive to undercoating, I bought a bunch of Reaper Bones miniatures, which take paint quite nicely without primer, to add more to my Frostgrave bestiary. First off a family of Violent Fungus (though they look pretty friendly to me).
Next some Sewer Slime. These were originally colourless and translucent, and I have seen some amazing things done with them with inks. Unfortunately I don’t have any inks, so tried the same with watered down paint. The results were, to quote Prof. Denzil Dexter, disappointing, so I had to repaint them.
A pair of Armoured Skeletons. The only thing I had to do with these was replace the sword on the left-hand side one, as I just couldn’t get the bend out of the original, despite dunking in boiling, then iced, water. FYI I used a sword from the plastic Frostgrave cultist set.
Now a Basilisk – nothing else to say about this model except that I like it a lot, and am very pleased with how the purple paintjob came out. Are Basilisks purple? No idea, but I thought it’d add a splash of different colour to the largely grey battlefield.
Finally the Ghoul King! A Reaper Bones Ghast miniature with a few small dabs of glue on his head, hopefully portraying a boney crown (he is a king after all). Fighting Fantasy fans might be interested to know that I was inspired by Zanbar Bone, villain from the adventure gamebook City of Thieves!