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Canadian LAV III (1/50th) Arrived

My first LAV III arrived from the printers at Shapeways and I have to say that I'm very happy with the results.  Pictures and a bit more below.

Here is how the 3D model looks with all the parts
separated (see previous renders here).

And here is the real thing, I used a black wash to
make the details stand out better for the picture.

Compared to an Empress Miniatures Stryker.

Compared to an Empress Miniatures Stryker.

Compared to an Empress Miniatures Stryker.

Assembled LAV III.

I'm going to use a thin washer under the turret to accomplish two things:

1.  Raise up the turret off the hull a bit.
2.  Add some weight to the turret (it does stay in place, just would like some weight on it).

Assembled LAV III.

Assembled LAV III.

There you have it.  It isn't cheap ($96.89 USD) ... I guess I could cast it if I wanted to, but I only need 3-4 total.  If you want to buy one for yourself I've made it available to purchase from Shapeways here.

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