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Muhallabia - Lebanese Almond Cream Pudding

I got this recipe from recipezaar. It's easy to make. It could be tasted different for Indonesians, who are used to know that rose water is for face/body cosmetic purpose. Anyway, you can find this rose water at middle eastern store, and for those who live in Canada, it can be found at Superstore.

Middle Eastern
Special Consideration:
Quick and Easy

1/4 cup rice flour
3 cups milk (I used partly skimmed milk 1%fat)
1 pinch salt
3-4 tbsp sugar
3/4 cup ground almonds
1 tbsp rose water
chopped pistachios or almonds (optional)

1. Add rice flour into a 1/4 cup of milk, whisk until rice flour dissolved.
2. Bring remainder of milk to a boil, add the rice flour mixture, salt & sugar, stir constantly until the mixture bubbles gently (medium High heat).
3. Turn down to lower heat and simmer for 5 minutes, stir frequently. Add ground almonds and stir until smooth. Add rose water, stir.
4. Remove from heat and stir occasionally until the mixture cools slightly.
5. Pour into a serving bowl& garnish with nuts (optional).

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