Seems this Xmas I've gone all Native!
Above is my Secret Santa pressie, some Warlord Games Woodland Bowman
and Magua with some rather nice foliage to boot!
I do know who ordered these beauties for me as their name was on the receipt inside, so a huge thanks goes to him! (No names mentioned!)
Magua makes a second appearance in my Santa Claus pressie along with him a rather festive
Native, dragging a Xmas tree back to camp!
Thank you very much goes to my Santa Claus, these will be great additions to my up and coming
excursion to North American Donnybrook.
Lastly a great pressie from daughters 1 & 2, Emily and Abi.
They always have trouble buying their poor Dad a pressie for Xmas.
We have more Warlord Native bowmen, Miami Indians and for the third and final
time we have Magua, I may have to do a bit of conversion work, me thinks??
Also 2 packs of Perry Indians from their AWI range, bowmen and muskets.
Guess what I'll be painting for the Challenge?